Fundraising Events & Gala

Support the Sanctuary at our annual fundraisers

We're planning A

 sanctuary soirÉe

For ThE fall of 2025!


Sign up for our mailing
list stay in the loop
about our Soirée.
You won't want to miss it!
(We put the "fun" in fundraiser.) 


Oh, what a night!
Reflecting on 2024's 20th Anniversary Gala

Thank you to all of the wonderful guests, donors, bidders, and sponsors who made our first ever gala such a magical success. We smashed our fundraising goal for the evening! We look forward to soaring into the future, thanks to our gala supporters.

We’re excited to plan more events where our network of animal-lovers can come together to celebrate our work for the wild world. Join our mailing list to stay in the loop about future events with the Sanctuary!

Learn about upcoming rws events near you!


Keep exploring the Sanctuary

Thanks for subscribing to our mailing list! We hope to see you at a future event.

Learn about upcoming rws events near you!

This website and all included graphics are
copyright © 2018–2024 Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary unless otherwise attributed.

Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN 51-0498181.
Thank you for supporting our mission to help native wildlife in Virginia and beyond.